Sunday, February 12, 2006

I did it!

Well I did it! I ran 10 miles today. And again no one was chasing me and I was not chasing anyone. Although it did help that I was following an Albertsons Bakery delivery truck with a big picture of a cake on the side of it (fat kid joke for Caleb) for a bit. I am just really proud of myself and so thankful to God for what he has helped me accomplish so far with my running. 16.2 miles to go!!!
Oh P.S it is not me in the picture. It came down to this picture or this other one of a ripped shirtless black guy running. I figure this one would be a more convincing fake...


Pamela Joy said...

Congradulations. I'm proud of you. By the way: When a choice must be made - always go for the shirtless one! J/K J/k - why would I care anyway... I don't even like men, eh Danny?

Anonymous said...

At least you *thought* no one was chasing you. ;)

Danny said...

Pammy you are awfully good at the Lesbian Trucker walk... And Jill I saw you following me… The big black sunglasses, the wig, and the news paper with the eye holes in it gave you away…But actually every time I passed a hubcap I wanted to pick it for you. I didn't, but I thought about it.

Josh said...

Danny everybody knows your black on the inside. Wow. I can't run 10mi.

kaylie said...

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TEAM!! you the one and only!

Anonymous said...

happy valentine's day danny!! i watched airport the other day and you'd be proud - i nearly peed my pants laughing.

Beth said...

good job danny! that's like ten loops!

Jón Magnús said...

That's awesome Danny, good job! Though I was training athletics for for a while few years ago, I never ran that far!