Thursday, February 09, 2006

What happened to the Rooster in the, "Run!!!" post

HAHA! I saw this and I laughed. It is the sequel to my Run!!! post. In case you were curious to what happened to that chicken.

Actually no, it is not the same bird here is the little blip that went with the picture, I though it was interesting so here you go:

A man prepares to cut off a roosters heard in his yard in the village of Goloca, Bulgaria, on Feb 2nd. People mainly in the eastern part of Bulgaria sacrifice a rooster on Rooster's day for the health and safety of young boys. The tradition springs from the biblical tale of King Herod, who ordered the slaughter of male Hebrew babies in an effort to kill Jesus. A mother killed a rooster and marked her door and neighbors' with its blood, fooling the soldiers into thinking the killing there was done, thereby saving her child.

1 comment:

Court said...

hahahah. I like it when roosters run around with their heads cut off. It's funny and itmakes me laugh