Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Love and Marriage

As some of you know I played a different part this last weekend. I officiated a marriage. Thats right I played the pastor. It was very nerve wracking! Yes I have no legal binding power, but they were legally married the Tuesday before at the courthouse in front of a judge. They asked me to do this several months ago because neither one is over all religious and they just wanted a simple ceremony and a party. I was happy to oblige. It was very fun and a beautiful wedding. It was at the Queen Anne Victorian Mansion in Portland. It was an evening wedding and the whole place is lit up with gobs of tiny white Christmas lights. The Tualatin High School Jazz ensemble played swing music for everyone to dance to during the reception. The get away car was very cool too, it was a 1958 mint green Cadillac, oh! Beautiful! Anyway over all it was very fun and I saw many people I have not seen in years. That was interesting, but that is a whole nother story. Well I am tired. I will talk to you all later, peace out!


Janice said...

DUDE DID YOU WATCH IT!!! that's right. she's back. and you know who's back with her? jj abrams. so it doesn't SUCK ANYMORE!! YES!!! and many other people are back too this is like a reunion for the last like ten episodes or whatever they're doing. i dunno. hope you watched, it was awesome.

Megs said...

DUDE of COURSE I've listened to it already! C'mon!! haha thanks again bro, so rad, so rad.

kaylie said...

TEAM! man i miss you! i can't even tell you how much i miss you right now. we should talk. call me 425-941-2163

Beth said...

Danny, how crazy that you headded up a wedding! That's insane. You should have worn Caleb sensitive pastor sweater, that would have topped it all off!

shinbone #4 said...

Wow - PAstor DAn... very cool. How fun is that... I'm so jealous. I always wanted to get an online degree so I could do that someday - and look you didn't even need it, you just got to play the part. NICE