Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Not Much Happening

So there is not a whole lot new going on. I just wanted to post to let you all know I am still alive and functioning. Lets see... My car went back into the shop yesterday... I swear it loves that place. Anyway long story short, the new water pump was too big and it threw the alternator belt. So my car over heated in like five minutes to where my radiator fluid was boiling... last I checked not a good sign. Anyway so this was just a fluke they stuck a new one on today that was 1/4 of an inch shorter and it fit perfect and everything works. Plus this was all covered under warranty !!! so it was free!!! I love those mechanics down there they are so good to me. So Angie rides again.
In other world news I do have a prayer request. I have decided to join my college bible study group in their missions/ work relief trip to the south this summer. Yes I am going to be in Alabama the second week of August, I think I might die. If the humidity does not kill me I'm sure the swamp snakes will. I am going to help with the rebuilding process which is still underway after Katrina. They say it will probably take years to complete and some places that are below sea level will not even be bothered with. So with my limited skill (and by limited I mean none) I will be gutting a house for a week. I also have to raise 1000.00 in support for me to go to cover airfare, food, and supplies. So if you could pray for that too, I would appreciate it because I have none of it.
Well I am off to a study group tonight for my midterm tomorrow in the fundamentals of Financial Accounting (yes the class is as AWESOME!!!! as it sounds!!!...... sarcasm if you cannot tell) Anyway, I'll talk to you all later.


P.S here are some pictures I liked and I couldn't decide which one to put on my blog so I put them all on. The stories behind each are at This Week in Pictures on msn.com.


Jill said...

Good luck with your midterm. Also, you will be an Alabama a week after my brother leaves! (He is there for a month for ROTC field training.)

Is there a way for people to pledge for your missions trip? If so you should post it in your blog. Not that I have any money at this exact moment, but, you know, you might know other people that do.

Rebecca said...

Wow, so basically you are paying to go to Alabama to do manual labor. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. But so do rednecks, so I would suggest renting "Deliverance" and other such 'buddy' films to prepare yourself. :)

I hope you do very well in your midterms! If you have time this week, we should get together for a beer or something!

Josh said...

rednecks? yeah it is alabama... I'll be in town next week. I better see you sometime

kaylie said...

TEAM you never called me! now that school is over for you, a phone call to your TEAM is in order (yes TEAM is capitalised all the time). i love you and that's all there is to it.

Danny said...

To answer you all:
Jill and anyone else:
You can send the money or check to me personally for now. No really. I will be honest with it an not blow it all on booze and women, well not all of it. Actually I do not know the address in which to send it to yet, but I will get it for you... by the way I did not put that on here to get money out of you all because I know none of you have any, just for prayer.
You best be beliveing you will see me when you are in town
I am very sorry, I forgot, and I will call you today

Megs said...

rock on Danny, i hope you have an amazing time in ALABAMA! My mom went to new orleans to gut houses, it was an amazing experience, hard but good. ANyways kiddo glad to hear you are alive! BAH HA you still have classes...sorry i shouldnt' be boasting that i am done...but I"M DONE. tee hee

Janice said...

um i'm going to watch alias tonight and i'm going to miss you, as i always do. aw, i miss trying to fit four people comfortably on one of those scary orange ikea couches in the sports hall lounge. mmm...."guys guys she sent me more! one thirty, sports hall lounge, be there, or we'll watch them without you..."

Pamela Joy said...

Danny, I just read your post on Jonathan's blog. It made me laugh. Hmph, see if we invite YOU over when Josh is here. ;-)
Janice and Danny, so I'm officially hooked to Alias until the end of the season - but I've gotta say, I'm not all that impressed with this finally. That 2 hour show 2 weeks ago was rad... and I HAVE to watch next week cuz Vaughn's actually gonna be on it but yeah... the whole sidney fighting sidney thing... kinda lame...
Oh yeah, and did anyone else notice that ULTRA blatant Ford commecial right in the middle of the show
-Shot of Nadia and Jack getting in a car, all is black except the bright blue ford logo on the frton of the car.
Nadia: "you got the new Ford Hybrid?"
Jack: "yes. it's good when you need to be quiet."
-Shot pans out to the back of the car, all is black except the bright silvery hybrid logo.

I'm still hooked though.

Danny said...

Hahaa Yes I noticed the FORD shout out. hmmm I wonder who sponsored that episode, because in the previous weeks they have been in Toyota's/Lexus' Anyway yes It was a very tacky "shameless plug" Oh and I am so mad they killed Nadia! You can't do that! I didn't care about the French girl, never really liked her anyway. Someday Sloane! Someday... (shaking my fist of furry)

Danny said...

By the way, This Blog brought to you by FORD. The Makers of the New Ford Hybrid; used for when you are stalking someone and need to be really, really quiet.

Janice said...

muahaha i'm envisioning evil and satisfying ways of sidney killing sloane. hopefully she'll get to do it after five years of waiting. and oh yeah GREAT product placement on the part of the ford hybrid. however, i would much rather have product placement that commercials. which may be the way the industry's heading.

Jón Magnús said...

um...2nd week of August? You will be coming to a wedding the first week, won't you?

Danny said...

Yes, and it is actually the third week. I lied. Sorry about that