Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh what a Tangled Web we Weave

So... Here is what has happened so far... I called Christine (the girl who ignored me) and she did not answer... big surprise.. so I left a message. It went something around these lines, "Hey Christine, its Danny. I was just calling because I wanted to talk to you. I don't think we really hit it off the other night, but I was wondering if you would give me Crystal' (the girl who is really cool) number. Anyway, I'd still like to hang out with you sometime, but you know, just as friends. Call me or text me. Thanks"

NOW before you all fly off the handle let me explain my reasoning behind such a move. First off all, I wanted to have the last word and be the rejecter (I know, not the nicest thing to do... but oh well) I knew she would never call me back. I mean who would! But I figured two things. First, since they work together at the same Starbucks, I figured that Christine would tell Crystal. Something like, "Can you believe that Jerk. He called and asked me for Your Number!" so Crystal will know what is going on (and hopefully be flattered). So when I go into the Starbucks here in a week or so. I will be able to read Crystals body language and see if maybe she is interested. I will also apologies and be charming to Christine, maybe joke about what I did and make fun of myself a little, because that always works with people. They love it when you can joke about yourself or your "dumb actions"

All this is honestly becoming a little too complicated for me. So much freakin effort! But I keep telling myself it is worth it.... I cannot take all the credit for my actions. I have asked several people what to do and this is the option I chose. So if it doesn't work, well I will try something else next time. I feel like I am a little behind with this stuff, that most guys learn this in high school. Oh well, I just hope I learn a little faster than I would have in high school.

In other news I am a TV Show talk show host! Well, co-host. It is a local cable show called "Sandy Times" it is about the goings on in Sandy, Oregon... I film my first episode this Saturday, so we will see where this takes me. I am thinking the Today Show. Matt Lauer needs me to replace him. Well this is long enough and I need to go and do my homework. I will update you all again soon.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Dear Abby (or whoever answers)

So I went on my date tonight, i just got back. It was canceled the other night, but then was rescheduled for tonight and I had a really good time... with her friend... yikes! This was a first date. We had talked on the phone a few times, but that was it. She ignored me almost the entire time. We went to this Bar/Club which was really fun. She knew a bunch of guys there from high school, one of them an old boyfriend and she was flirting with him a lot, and vise-versa. She never made eye contact with me and I do not think she is that shy. She was also always texting other people too. So consequently I talked to her friend a lot and I think we clicked, the only thing is that the friend is 4 years older than me... Total awesome Christian girl and real!!! that is so hard to find in a Christian girl (well since i left capernwray anyway) I don't mind the age thing, but she might. I didn't ask her for her number there, I thought it might be bad form, since I was suppose to be there with the other girl. So I will try and get it later. I know where she works, but the girl I was on the date with works there too (both at the same Starbucks) so this is where I need your help... how do I go about doing this!?!

Women Confuse Me

Friday, January 12, 2007

Long Awaited

My Sister going to Homecomming... I know. I have to beat the Boys off!!!

Not Quite the Portland Marathon, but the 5 miler. I took 12th in my age group... not too shabby. I still want to do a marathon, but I am not there yet. The longest I have run is 11 miles, I still have a long way to go before 26.2

Here is my brother and I at Halloween. I had a costume party and won best costume! Gotta love the Mullet!

So I promised an update and here we go. Sorry about never posting last term, School was nuts! I did well though and I made it through... obviously. It has begun again and I think I am going to enjoy this term much better!

Winter break was really nice. The day after school got out I flew back to England, where I stayed with Mr. Steven Tomkins and his wonderful family. I saw a few people and visited Capernwray, where I got a much warmer reception than I anticipated. It was really nice to go back, but very strange at the same time. Everything smells the same, but all the faces are different and the students seem so young this year. They all seem directly out of high school. Still very enjoyable none the less.

I have a new vice. My brother hooked me on the online game of World Of Warcraft. It is so Nerdy, but oh so enjoyable! It is kind of expensive because you have to pay monthly dues, but I leech off him and it isn't so bad.

I recently read two amazing books which I highly recommend, the first was Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and the second was 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. Very insightful, both of them. Rob Bell is an outside the box thinker and I like that about the book. 90 minutes in heaven is not some makeout game you play in high school (although I was never cool enough to play those games in high school...) It is about this Baptist Minister who died and went to heaven... I know, I wasn't sure about it at first either, but it is more about how it has effected his ministry here. I have also read half of Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller. Hysterical!

Well, I am going to go. I have a date... more on that later.