Not Quite the Portland Marathon, but the 5 miler. I took 12th in my age group... not too shabby. I still want to do a marathon, but I am not there yet. The longest I have run is 11 miles, I still have a long way to go before 26.2
Here is my brother and I at Halloween. I had a costume party and won best costume! Gotta love the Mullet!
So I promised an update and here we go. Sorry about never posting last term, School was nuts! I did well though and I made it through... obviously. It has begun again and I think I am going to enjoy this term much better!
Winter break was really nice. The day after school got out I flew back to England, where I stayed with Mr. Steven Tomkins and his wonderful family. I saw a few people and visited Capernwray, where I got a much warmer reception than I anticipated. It was really nice to go back, but very strange at the same time. Everything smells the same, but all the faces are different and the students seem so young this year. They all seem directly out of high school. Still very enjoyable none the less.
I have a new vice. My brother hooked me on the online game of World Of Warcraft. It is so Nerdy, but oh so enjoyable! It is kind of expensive because you have to pay monthly dues, but I leech off him and it isn't so bad.
I recently read two amazing books which I highly recommend, the first was Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and the second was 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. Very insightful, both of them. Rob Bell is an outside the box thinker and I like that about the book. 90 minutes in heaven is not some makeout game you play in high school (although I was never cool enough to play those games in high school...) It is about this Baptist Minister who died and went to heaven... I know, I wasn't sure about it at first either, but it is more about how it has effected his ministry here. I have also read half of Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller. Hysterical!
Well, I am going to go. I have a date... more on that later.
this makes me happy. Well all except that crapp about WOW that's not cool. You and kaylie are both playing what is going on. I'm jelouse you went back to england. I thought all the kids for our year looked like they were fresh from highschool so no suprises there. As for you and dates..... good luck. If any women had any brains about her you'd be married by now. Love you. Big hug.
Danny! I can breathe again, you posted! Good job with the marathon! and yes, updates on this whole date thing would be awesome, he he. I'm with sis, though, so jealous that you got to go back to Capernwray, AND see Stevewise. It's like you're the one who got to back to Narnia or something like that. Good to see your face again. GOod luck with the date!
DANNY!! I almost fell ot my chair! you did it! You came back into our world!!
Great pictures, you can tell you're all family. Are you the oldest?
So cool that you went back to the hall. How is everyone? What's new? I heard Steve was planning on still coming to school over here, is that right?
You know you gave us a little dose of Danny, but now I'm hooked! Come on dish!
ps, one of my brothers is moving to Portland, so I'll be out there sooner or later to visit.
BROTHA! you posted YAY! it sounds like you had an amazing break! So rad, by the sounds of it you sure deserved it! Ahhh it would be soo weird to step back into cape. . . but hopefully i'll do it soon!! I love costumes...and that was a stellar one buddy! and way to run!! And your date! ahhh now i have to go read about it! so i'll comment on that!
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