Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy All Hallow's Eve.. day...

Hey Everyone,
On the appropriateness of this day, it is time to tackle our fears. I know it will be difficult, but you can do it. There is deep fear in each of you, a wondering with great uncertainty if you will, as to whether or not you would survive a horror film. Well, the time has come to discover the truth. Are you the first to die? The last? Or are you the fortunate one who lives to tell the story. As with all great mysteries in life, the answer can be provided in an online quiz. So enjoy, and let me know what your fate is.
By the way, I live. At least the results from quiz dictate that I do. In others I have been one of the last to die. Good luck
P.S. I am thinking about closing this and switching to MySpace. Any objections?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm an Incubus of Viral Plague!

So, maybe I'm being slightly over dramatic (hello... actor...) but I have a cold! and I am a big L7 weenie (thank you Sandlot) when it comes to being sick. Actually, It really hasn't been that bad and has not kept me down too much. I did miss Jr. High tonight cause I didn't want to get them sick, but other than that I have been out and about like normal. Accept for the whole coughing up a lung thing and blowing my nose every few seconds. So basically I did not mind infecting the rest of the world, just not my jr. high students.
So I bet you are wondering why there are Power Ranger pictures with my and Megan's head on them... well I have two words for you, "Cold Medicine" I had the strangest dream last night and I believe that I owe it to the beautiful combo of nasal decongestant, NyQuil, and Tylenol that I was on. So, the story begins... I went back to Capernwray, but not as a student, although many members of our class were there. I went back in a new role, to protect the innocent as the new green power ranger. Megan was there showing me the ropes because she was the yellow power ranger and had been so for some time. Josh was there too. He was telling me about the importance of flying a kite while taking pictures of the sheep. Apparently, it is very important and very difficult to master. Alison sewed a button back on my jacket with silver yarn. I do not know why, but I noticed it was yarn and it was on my black wool coat. Grace was there, in the office, but as an oriental tea guru. And we had to drink the tea out of those egg shaped coffee mugs that you could buy at the pound store, otherwise the tea would rot. Jeff D*$% (censored for political reasons 10/18/07 ) was trying to become the red power ranger, but we (Megan and I) were not sure of he could eat enough apples to handle the job. (I swear I am not making any of this up) That's about all I can remember, if someone wants to interpret it for me be my guest... haha, good luck. I am going to go and take the same potent combo and go to sleep now. I'll let you know if anything else develops with the power rangers of Capernwray.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


I got this quote from one of my business classes actually and I have changed it slightly to fit with what God has been telling me lately.

"Samson slew 10,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass and everyday the same number of people are detoured from Christ with the same weapon."

We are here to fight for people not with them, don't make the mistake of fighting the wrong enemy (see Eph. 6:12)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Dirty Hippy or Unkempt Shepherd?

Have you ever wondered what I would look like with long hair? This is my wig for the play... haha! Just thought you all might like a sneak peek! For those of you interested The play is at Rolling Hills Community Church at 7:30... I believe (I will double check on the times) November 29th (Thursday) - December 2nd (Sunday) with a possible Sunday matinee.
Let's see... What else can I tell you.. Oh I went on a first date last night with this awesome girl! I do not know if things are going to go anywhere, both of us are so busy and she lives in Corvallis (2 hours from me) but she works up here on the weekends and goes to The Way. I know I talked about The Way in my last post, but I love it so much I am going to talk about it again. It is my blog and I can do that :) The teaching is phenomenal! I mean it! here check it out for yourselves! You can listen to them here: Alright gang, I am off to rid the world of contraband. Not really, just wanted to use the word "contraband." How often do you get to use it. really..

Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm Sorry

So, I know this posting has been a LONG time in coming, but it is here. Let's see, where to begin? A lot has happened since April. I sold my car and got a new one. Today is the first day of my last year as an undergrad. Summer was nice, I went to school for most of it. I was dating someone for a few months, emphasis on was. I have just started going to this awesome college group/ youth service called The Way. There are about 800 18-28 year olds who attend on Friday nights. Really really awesome and I am really excited to get started with this. I still lead a group of middle school students, they are in 8th grade this year. That began last night, it was awesome. It is going to be a great year at Extreme (that is what the JR high is called, appropriate title I think) I'm in a new play. It is a Christmas play. I am a singing and dancing shepherd.... yes. So needless to say it would be worth your while to make it down to see that, cause I can almost guarantee you that it will not happen again. They must have caught me at a weak moment when I agreed to do this. It is a Christmas play and should be fun and entertaining. My knee is doing well, thankfully I can still be very active. Spiritually, I am well too. I mean I still struggle with the same ol' crap that always gets me down, some days are better than others. Just a constant reminder of how much I need Jesus and a community of Christ followers to fill all those great roles that they do in our lives. But this year is going to be full of a lot of changes and God has really been doing a lot to prepare me for this. Well, I would love to continue, but I must off to class. I love you all.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Well, I'm still alive

Sorry Caleb, I pulled though. Look on the bright side... oh there has to be one somewhere, just keep looking.

Anyway, yes, the surgery went very well. I do not remember a thing and I came out with both my legs attached. (Two things I was worried about the reverse happening) Oh and they operated on the correct leg too. But, I have good news and bad news. I will start with the bad, the tare in my lateral (outside) meniscus was too great and they could not fix it. They removed a big chuck of floating cartledge, about 2 cm long and 1cm wide. That little guy was causing all the problems. So, I will be able to resume my daily activities soon. However, I will never be able to run that marathon I had been working towards for the last few years... That was the hardest to hear. It is not that I could not go out and run the 26.2 miles in one go, but since that is impossible for me at this current state of fitness I will not be able to do it. It would be really bad for my knee to go through the training for it. Onto the Good! I am not it a brace because there was nothing to fix!!! so the healing time will be much much faster and I will not have to go through near as much physical therapy. I will only have to be on crutches for two weeks. In other good news, the drugs they gave me are really really good... So I hope all is well with you all. I will be in touch.

Friday, March 02, 2007


So, nothing new has happened with the girls. I'm sorry to all you who had your hopes up for me. I did too. I did meet someone else though, her name is Dana, and she works at Seattle's Best Coffee, I drink a lot of coffee apparently. I did ask her out, but had to cancel because of school and then I hurt my knee. Here is where the surgery part comes in, but I will tell you the whole story.

So, Valentines Day, I deliver flowers for my aunt who owns a florist every year. I have for the past ten years. Anyway, I am bending down to pick up a box of flowers and my right knee feels like it pops out of joint! Now it has done this before, but this time it stayed out! I tried to force it back in by walking on it and using my weight to push it, but I just nauseated myself. I nauseated myself to the point where I had to sit down. Then I proceeded to black out. While I was blacked out apparently my arms when up over my head and I went into a full body convulsion. That's right, arms and legs flailing about with no abandon! I unfortunately do not remember any of this. When I came to, my cousin asked me if I was alright and I told him that I thought that I had just blacked out. He then was relieved because he though my flailing was me just being frustrated with the pain. He said, "Good, I didn't think you were a drama queen" So then he asked if I though I should go to the hospital, I said no. I think I will be ok although I should probably go to a Chiropractor because they will be able to see me sooner and not cost as much as the ER. The Chiropractor I normally go to was sick, of course, so I went to this other guy he recomended, Dr. Dawson. Dr. Dawson worked on me for 45 minutes and could not get my knee to unlock. So I went home, in excruciating pain and my knee finally let go that evening at about 9:30. So I went back the next day and he popped it back in and the tells me to come back in a week.

One week later, I go back and he is working on it stretching it and he locks it up again! He was able to get it about half unlocked. But, since I was there for so long then, his assistant came and was working on me and he locked it up for a second time. I know they were trying to help, but I was so mad! This was an 8:30 am appointment and the rest of my day was ruined because I could not put any weight at all on my knee (way too painful). It did not unlock that evening, but when I woke up the next morning I was able to walk on it again.

So I went on Monday to the hospital to have an MRI. Cool process by the way. The machine uses the water in my body and magnets to look at my muscles and ligaments, not x ray technology.

I got the results back today and I went to a specialist and the news was good and bad. Good that it is a relatively simple surgery and will only last an our. It will be done at an out patient clinic, so no hospital time! yay! The bad new is that I will have to be in a brace for a month to keep my leg straight at all times! After that I will need intense physical therapy because my right leg muscles will deteriorate a lot from lack of use. What really sucks is that I am going to miss the New York Trip my cousin, my aunt and I were going to take my grandma on. She is 82 and has never been off the West Cost. It has been a dream of hers to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to see where her parents immigrated in from. I can not describe to you the hurt in my heart for not getting able to do this. She is such a special person to me and I wanted to be apart of this so badly. I am not a crier, but today I have cried a lot. It has all been a lot to take. So if I come to mind please pray for me. Thank you guys for being such great support. I love you all.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh what a Tangled Web we Weave

So... Here is what has happened so far... I called Christine (the girl who ignored me) and she did not answer... big surprise.. so I left a message. It went something around these lines, "Hey Christine, its Danny. I was just calling because I wanted to talk to you. I don't think we really hit it off the other night, but I was wondering if you would give me Crystal' (the girl who is really cool) number. Anyway, I'd still like to hang out with you sometime, but you know, just as friends. Call me or text me. Thanks"

NOW before you all fly off the handle let me explain my reasoning behind such a move. First off all, I wanted to have the last word and be the rejecter (I know, not the nicest thing to do... but oh well) I knew she would never call me back. I mean who would! But I figured two things. First, since they work together at the same Starbucks, I figured that Christine would tell Crystal. Something like, "Can you believe that Jerk. He called and asked me for Your Number!" so Crystal will know what is going on (and hopefully be flattered). So when I go into the Starbucks here in a week or so. I will be able to read Crystals body language and see if maybe she is interested. I will also apologies and be charming to Christine, maybe joke about what I did and make fun of myself a little, because that always works with people. They love it when you can joke about yourself or your "dumb actions"

All this is honestly becoming a little too complicated for me. So much freakin effort! But I keep telling myself it is worth it.... I cannot take all the credit for my actions. I have asked several people what to do and this is the option I chose. So if it doesn't work, well I will try something else next time. I feel like I am a little behind with this stuff, that most guys learn this in high school. Oh well, I just hope I learn a little faster than I would have in high school.

In other news I am a TV Show talk show host! Well, co-host. It is a local cable show called "Sandy Times" it is about the goings on in Sandy, Oregon... I film my first episode this Saturday, so we will see where this takes me. I am thinking the Today Show. Matt Lauer needs me to replace him. Well this is long enough and I need to go and do my homework. I will update you all again soon.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Dear Abby (or whoever answers)

So I went on my date tonight, i just got back. It was canceled the other night, but then was rescheduled for tonight and I had a really good time... with her friend... yikes! This was a first date. We had talked on the phone a few times, but that was it. She ignored me almost the entire time. We went to this Bar/Club which was really fun. She knew a bunch of guys there from high school, one of them an old boyfriend and she was flirting with him a lot, and vise-versa. She never made eye contact with me and I do not think she is that shy. She was also always texting other people too. So consequently I talked to her friend a lot and I think we clicked, the only thing is that the friend is 4 years older than me... Total awesome Christian girl and real!!! that is so hard to find in a Christian girl (well since i left capernwray anyway) I don't mind the age thing, but she might. I didn't ask her for her number there, I thought it might be bad form, since I was suppose to be there with the other girl. So I will try and get it later. I know where she works, but the girl I was on the date with works there too (both at the same Starbucks) so this is where I need your help... how do I go about doing this!?!

Women Confuse Me

Friday, January 12, 2007

Long Awaited

My Sister going to Homecomming... I know. I have to beat the Boys off!!!

Not Quite the Portland Marathon, but the 5 miler. I took 12th in my age group... not too shabby. I still want to do a marathon, but I am not there yet. The longest I have run is 11 miles, I still have a long way to go before 26.2

Here is my brother and I at Halloween. I had a costume party and won best costume! Gotta love the Mullet!

So I promised an update and here we go. Sorry about never posting last term, School was nuts! I did well though and I made it through... obviously. It has begun again and I think I am going to enjoy this term much better!

Winter break was really nice. The day after school got out I flew back to England, where I stayed with Mr. Steven Tomkins and his wonderful family. I saw a few people and visited Capernwray, where I got a much warmer reception than I anticipated. It was really nice to go back, but very strange at the same time. Everything smells the same, but all the faces are different and the students seem so young this year. They all seem directly out of high school. Still very enjoyable none the less.

I have a new vice. My brother hooked me on the online game of World Of Warcraft. It is so Nerdy, but oh so enjoyable! It is kind of expensive because you have to pay monthly dues, but I leech off him and it isn't so bad.

I recently read two amazing books which I highly recommend, the first was Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and the second was 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. Very insightful, both of them. Rob Bell is an outside the box thinker and I like that about the book. 90 minutes in heaven is not some makeout game you play in high school (although I was never cool enough to play those games in high school...) It is about this Baptist Minister who died and went to heaven... I know, I wasn't sure about it at first either, but it is more about how it has effected his ministry here. I have also read half of Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller. Hysterical!

Well, I am going to go. I have a date... more on that later.